Stop the planet, I want to get off

Somewhere, some television executives are discussing ideas for a new hit show…

Okay guys, we need some ideas. Give me some ideas.

We could remake an old show?

Great idea, Larry. So what shows do we like?

What was that one with the guy who was always saying “hey hey”?

I'm not sure…

Oh, wait — people really loved the one with the people on the island… what's it called, um…

Oh yeah, Gilligan's Island.

Yeah, yeah, they obviously love it. It's on rerun after rerun.

No, no, no… we can't just remake a show like that. It needs to be modernised, man!

Yeah, yeah — what's hip? What's cool with the kids these days?


Rap music?


No, no — reality TV!

Dude, that is such a great idea.

We're gonna make a million!

And right after that, how about we make a Wings reunion show?

This is great… I can't believe no one's thought of this stuff before.