Look! He's still breathing!

Forgive me Interwebberynet, for I have sinned. It has been nearly two months since my last blog post.

The few of you still checking this website (I think my cats check in once in a while) might be wondering where I've been. If not, I'm going to just tell you anyway. I'm like that; it's usually quite hard to get me to shut up.

I've been buying a house. Yes, I've been swimming in paperwork and reminding myself that my signature really is quite boring. I've been packing my possessions into boxes, hefting them about, and then unpacking them again. I've been running about in a completely new house, not remembering where the light switches are, or which ones turn on which lights. I've been going through withdrawal symptoms without ADSL at home.

At first, I thought that traipsing through other people's horribly overpriced and crumbling houses was bad. How wrong I was. Paperwork and banks and legal processes and dealing with people who lie through their teeth makes me feel like some little guy jumping and running about for other people's amusement.

And then, as if paperwork alone wasn't enough to convince you that you're never, ever going to want to move house again, comes the actual moving. Most people would organise themselves well in advance. I prefer to leave it until 1am the night before the truck arrives and then go into a complete panic.

So this means that I've had very little time to get a real design together for this site or work on the new gizmos I'm toying with. I haven't even been updating Romilly's site with new photos. And you thought I couldn't get any more slack. How wrong you were.

Paperwork and boxes and slackness aside, I'm now back online and completely ready to ignore this website for another month or two. Or update it more regularly. I'm always mixing those two up.