Okay, I'm definitely back into the swing of not updating this website by choice, rather than lack of access to the Interwebberynetwork. I've been spending too much time watching the Olympics. I have not, however, been spending any time watching their weird looking website.
Oh dear, by not using the term “ATHENS 2004 only” and by not sending them a letter, I think I just violated their stupid Hyperlink Policy. Wait — there I go violating it again. Do I have to send two letters if I link to it twice? Hmm… reason for linking: mocking your stupid policies. Welcome to the party, pal.
Here's a “Hyperlink Policy” for you: have somewhat consistent and readable URLs. Sure, I'm not exactly leading the pack with this website's architecture, but at least I don't link to documents by whacking 40 characters of semi-random crud on the end of them. No, that's not a session ID. That's their “help” page.