Paths and branches

I feel like my life is unwinding. It isn’t unwinding in a bad way; it’s just trying to rediscover itself, the way that it was five or six years ago. I find myself wanting to go to return to the places I was at, make contact with the people I knew, and reconnect with the life that I left behind. A life that would have been.

I went for a walk through the university today. Everything was so familiar, and yet so different. It has moved on while I have been away. The buildings are changed, new, altered. The tiny saplings that were there so many years ago have become towering trees that now rival the buildings for the sky.

And yet I feel like I have gone nowhere. Certainly, I have journeyed and I have grown, but I have followed a path that leads to a dead end. How can I prove my journey now that I must go back to where I was? How can I claim my portion of the sky now that I must find a new path to make my own?