Yesterday I had lunch with a few friends. One of these friends was back here in Australia, visiting from Dubai. Having not seen him in months, the second thing out of his mouth (after “hello”) was “why haven’t you been updating your blog?”
Oh dear.
While I was wondering what to write here, I saw that the Quick Links section was broken. It’s been dead for over two weeks, and no one noticed.
Oh dear, oh dear.
Welcome, my friends, to the unkempt world of The Lost Realm.
….Unkempt….. sounds like my life at the moment 😉
Unkempt, but growing 🙂
Even in Melbourne, I’m getting comments about you updating your blog!!!
Please consider the effect of NOT updating your blog, on those of us around you!
Maybe you should link writing your blog with some event. I know, how about every time Romilly mouths off or throws a tantrum?
On second thoughts, 650 posts per day is probably a bit much 🙂
*begin transmission*
Hi Daddy…a kiss and a cuddle…I’ll see you tonight…
*LOL* Where’s Ely and the ninjas?
I’m watching Hi5 so I can’t talk anymore.
*Roms picks up calculator, with instructions to copy what she inputs*
*end transmission*
Ahhhhh…a love of calculators and computers…A penchant for designing webpages and an intelligence that is freaky weird….Sometimes you just don’t need a DNA test do you ?*LOL*
See, I had given up hope! I finally check in, 1 month after the famous comment, and look what I find. A grand total of 3 new posts!!! Careful not to wear down those fingers!! 😉
Don’t worry, I’m being very careful not to wear down the remaining stubs of my finfgwer5s…
Ohj nmo0!