Yesterday was the longest Friday of my life. I saw the sun rise, the sun set, the sun rise again, and then set again, all from aeroplane windows. I had breakfast twice, and dinner twice. I would have had lunch twice, but my poor body was having trouble remembering exactly when it was supposed to be hungry.
As a by-product of this, I’m sitting here in Denver, Colorado. It’s quite nice here, and I’ve spent the day walking about, checking out the Colorado History Museum, absorbing the feel of the city, and generally realising just how cold Perth isn’t. I’ve never experienced cold that makes ones ears hurt. It’s very peculiar. Jumping into a big pile of snow for the first time, however, makes all of that worthwhile.
So far, Denver seems very nice, but starting tomorrow I’ll be doing more work than play. I’m sure I’ll find a little more time to take a look around the place, though. Any suggestions?