So, working from home.
Yes, I work from home now. No, it wasn’t really my decision. Yes, it’s permanent. No, I’m not going to say anything further, as I have no desire to get myself dooced.
I have, however, been keeping some notes on what it’s been like working at home for the last few weeks. I thought I’d post them here for others to consider. Or for me to consider.
- No more peak hour traffic.
- Thanks to no traffic, I can sleep in until 9:30 and still finish work in time for dinner.
- I get to wear whatever I want all day.
- When I want to, I get to listen to the loudest, most obnoxious music at full volume.
- When I want to, I get absolute quiet.
- I can stop in the middle of the afternoon to take a nice, warm shower.
- My environment is less stressful.
- I get to spend more time with my family.
- School holidays are just a little loud.
- My toes, unused to the cold floor, got chilblains.
- The dog barks a lot (though that’s hard to hear over the school-holiday noise).
- Did I mention that school holidays are loud?
- Er… that’s it.
The really sad part is that in a few days, when the school holidays are over, my disadvantages list is going to be pretty empty. That’s not to say it’s perfect here, but with the addition of some nice warm socks, I’m finding that working from home is a bit of a break; a holiday without having to stop working.