Not having a car at the moment, I’m catching public transport to and from work. That takes a while, but today it took me 2 hours, 15 minutes to get home, most of which was on foot. Just because a bus leaves from the stand that you’re waiting at and is labelled to go to your destination, apparently does not mean that you should catch this differently numbered bus. When it terminates half way to your destination, particularly when that half way is half way in the wrong direction, it leaves you with quite a walk to the train station.
I’m hoping that rounds out my three things.
All bad things happen in threes, you see. They group themselves together, just to make life that little bit more miserable. They’re like that.
My first bad thing is fairly obvious. The second is that I can’t vote in the upcoming state election. That’s right, I’m 28 and I can’t vote. When I moved from my previous address, I was apparently delisted from the electoral roll. If someone had told me this, I would have worried about changing my address properly. I did not. I was waiting for Debs to get her citizenship details, and now it’s past the cut off date and I am not enrolled at my previous or current address. I’m hoping I don’t get fined.
The bus incident is hopfully the third of the set, leaving me with no further bad things to encounter this week. That’s what I’m hoping, anyway.