Return of the Tiggletaggle

And lo, for Debs has returned to the folds of the Interwebberynet. She didst gaze upon the last year of its development and progress and quoth, “I’ve got how many megabytes of spam?!”

The evolution of my relationship with Debs has not been a clear or easy path, but I am comfortable and content with the way things are. We are the best of friends, and I am so very happy for her and Cary. I know it hasn’t been an entirely easy journey for them either.

Congratulations guys; may your cup runneth over with the joy of life.

One thought on “Return of the Tiggletaggle

  1. Hey Debz!!!!
    I really hope you get to read this cos I MISS YOU!!!!!!! And mum misses you!!!! and we both miss Romilly!!!
    so anyways if you get this my email is EMAIL ME!!!!
    Luv Trina (hunter…just incase you forgot =P )

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