So I’m back at work. Romilly’s cast is still on, and her spots are healing up nicely. Carolyn is…
What’s that?
Oh. I see.
Yes, yes; it has been a long time, hasn’t it.
Okay, quick catch up:
- Through the wonders of interwebbynet dating, met the wonderful, amazing Carolyn (no relation to The Amazing Spider-Man) (but just as cool)
- The amazing Carolyn and her daughter moved in with me, creating havoc, destruction, and more happiness than I’m sure I deserve
- Life rocks
- Romilly fractured her wrist
- Took a week off work to look after Romilly while Debs (my ex-wife — keep up, keep up) went on her honeymoon
- Romilly, still in her cast, came down with chicken pox (for the second time)
- Over this time, no less than 28,635 people pestered me to start updating this site again
So now I just have to decide: do I start posting here again, or do I leave it for another four or five months?
Any new pictures of Romilly?
Romilly’s site does require just a little bit of work, doesn’t it.
If you’d like to, drop me an email and I’ll let you know when I get some more photos up.